... 资本资产计价模型:Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 资本资产:the capital assets 资本帐:capital account ...
The theory of the capital assets pricing model(CAPM) is an important theory in a modern company’s finance and is widely used in capital market.
资本资产定价模型理论是现代公司财务中一个非常重要的理论 ,在资本市场中得到广泛的应用。
参考来源 - 资本资产定价模型理论的应用探讨·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Procurement -- The capital assets and procurement form
采购 —— 资本资产和采购表单
Continuing in Part 4, the capital assets form touts two basic displays depending on the role of the user.
That requires a theory of capital and they're going to have to invest the reserves in financial assets.
What was happening was, these banks were not being watched carefully enough; their capital requirements were not enough for the kind of assets they were investing.
Capital is the money that they have to pay out should there be a -its assets that they can quickly liquefy and pay out should there be a run on the bank.