the capitol hotel tokyu tokyo
... 东京酒店排行:1 客房整洁,宽敞明亮,环境卫生,性价比较高。 4.7 共15条点评 需电话咨询 东京东急凯彼德大酒店(The Capitol Hotel Tokyu Tokyo) 东京酒店排行:3 酒店位于东京(赤坂),靠近日枝神社、国会议事堂和皇居,附近还有东京铁塔和东京中城。
the capitol hotel tokyu tokyo
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Japanese companies are reclaiming their turf by tearing down old standards and putting new hotels in their place, such as the Tokyo Station Hotel (2012), the Palace Hotel (2012) and the Capitol Hotel Tokyu (2010).
BBC: Business trip: Tokyo