然而伦敦城市大学(City University in London )的卡斯商学院(the Cass Business School)的体育经济学家史蒂芬·西曼斯基教授(Prof Stefan Szymanski)对世界杯将给英国经济带来的影响持怀疑态度。
A new study* by Professor Roy Batchelor and Richard Ramyar of the Cass Business School, finds no evidence that Fibonacci numbers work in American stockmarkets.
Cass商学院的Roy Batchelor和Richard Ramyar教授, 在一个新研究*中证实没有数据表明斐波纳契数对美国股市有作用。
You had years to fix this stuff,” predicts Peter Hahn, a fellow of City University’s Cass Business School and an adviser to the FSA.
你本有很多时间解决这问题,”,Peter Hahn如此预测。 Peter Hahn是城市大学卡斯商学院的一名研究员兼FSA的顾问。
"My MBA gave me the confidence to start a new career and a Swiss Army knife of skills to adapt to different challenges and corporate environments," said one graduate from Cass Business School.
“我的MBA让我有信心开启全新的职业生涯,我有了瑞士军刀般的全套技能,可以适应不同挑战和企业环境,”卡斯商学院(Cass Business School)的一名毕业生称。