-《飞黄腾达》(The Celebrity Apprentice) (3月14日周日季首播) 其他节目安排(全部为美国东部时间): 1月17日周日 7-8 p.m.
Now that's the kind of attitude that might come in handy if you're a repeat contestant on a cheesy reality show like "the Celebrity Apprentice."
如果你是《名人学徒》(The Celebrity Apprentice)那种粗俗真人秀里的一名重复参赛者,现在那种态度可能会派上用场。
The final challenge for "The Celebrity Apprentice" had required Michaels and Robinson Peete to each create a new flavor of Snapple and a marketing campaign for the soft drinks.
The final challenge for "The Celebrity Apprentice " had required Michaels and Robinson Peete to each create a new flavor of Snapple and a marketing campaign for the soft drinks.