When China Ruled the Seas 当中国称霸海上 ; 当中国称雄海上 ; 当中国称霸海
the east china seas 东中国海
The seas adjacent to China 中国近海及邻域
Meanwhile, from the viewpoints of state safety, military geophysics must be enforced to safeguard the China seas.
The varied landscape afforded by the Andaman Islands was soon passed, however, and the Rangoon rapidly approached the Straits of Malacca, which gave access to the China seas.
所有安达曼群岛的美丽的景物,都飞快地从船旁掠过。 仰光号迅速地开向马六甲海峡,这条海峡是通向中国领海的门户。
Analysis of the water, heat and salt transports between the East and South China Seas and the outer ocean reveals that the China Seas plays an important role in the global ocean-atmosphere system.