Samael同意帮助War找到Destroyer,但是条件是War需要把四个天选者(The Chosen)的心脏带给他。 War往返于四个地点杀死四个天选者(即Tiamat,Griever,Stygian和Silitha),将心脏全部交给Samael之后,Samae.
到我手里才有大成功的是哈依姆·波托克(Chaim Potok)的《特选子民》(The Chosen),之前已经被至少一打编辑拒绝过。这书本来很可能在某个半心半意的编辑手上出版,然后默默地被湮没遗忘。
The Chosen People 特选子民 ; 上帝的子民 ; 上帝选民
Dream Chronicles The Chosen Child 被选中的孩子
Call of the Chosen 圣者之怒
the chosen few 世界的那小我 ; 改变世界的那个人 ; 表演者
Eligium The Chosen One 天之骄子 ; 伊利季姆天之骄子 ; 伊利季姆
War of the Chosen 天选之战
you're the chosen one 你就是众望所托
以上来源于: WordNet
He says that rooks, the chosen birds, are considered to be particularly intelligent.
Obviously the chosen color palette is down to you, but here I'm using a mix of green and cyan.
You now have the CA certificates stored in files in the chosen directory.
您现在已经将 CA 证书存储在所选目录中的文件中。
How long a residency lasts depends on the chosen area of medicine.
VOA: special.2009.06.02
We can also see in this phrase "in the Beginning" - we can see it applying to the end of the preceding clause, "That Shepherd who first taught the chosen Seed / in the Beginning."
I was talking last time about the concept of election or choice, God's choice of Israel, Israel as the chosen one, which occurs for the first time in the Book of Deuteronomy.