...义的法系,其特征是在其成立时继受了古代罗马法;另外一种是在英国作为单独的法系而发达的判例法主义的普通法(the Common Law),这后来又被美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国继受,也成为英美法。
Justice Holmes)于其代表性著作「习惯法(The Common Law) 一书中,开宗明义地说:「法律教育目的非仅传授抽象法律或法律要 件之形式逻辑,应该是实现生活法律正义之能力。
论刑法的因果关系 法律毕业论文范文格式_论文天下网 关键词:因果关系 英美法系 抗辩制度 [gap=2342]Keywords: Causal relationship;Common law;Defence system
The Common Law Procedure Act 普通法诉讼程序法
the common law countries 普通法系国家
The Common Law Tradition 普通法传统
In The Common Law 所以在英美法系
As a result, the disappointed party plead to the king or the king? s council for remedies beyond the common law.
参考来源 - 英国衡平法的产生及早期发展But these special rules, regardless of from the form significance from the substantive significance, all not impossible to complete in the common law civil law frame, needs by the special law form realization, namely the commercial law rule.
参考来源 - 先公司交易法律问题研究Secondly, the medieval English peasants'consciousness in pursuit of personal economic rights is discussed from the custom law and the common law aspects.
参考来源 - 中古时期英国农民的经济思想·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The premise was that the common law of contract lacked sufficient safeguards for workers against arbitrary conduct by management.
The common law was ingenious in carving up rights to land into various complex segments called "estates".
The common law was also quite ingenious in devising forms of common or joint ownership, with subtle technical differences between them.
This idea developed long ago in British common law to define the responsibility of teachers toward their students.
VOA: special.2009.07.09
That's a fairly common-sense idea, but it's important to define it, and I call that the common-sense law.
You can pick out words that are identical. The purpose of the law is to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty."