... 北卡罗莱纳州立大学 North Carolina State University 库伯联盟学院 The Cooper Union 维拉诺瓦大学 Villanova university ...
...目前于耶鲁艺术学院(Yale School of Art)、纽约视觉艺术学院(NY School of visual arts)、柯柏联盟学院(The Cooper Union)担任教职。
The Cooper union   柯柏联盟学院
The Cooper Union Speech 库珀学会的演说
The Cooper Union forthe Ad 美国留学库伯高等科学艺术联盟学院
The e Cooper Union 库伯联盟学院
Cooper Union for The 库柏联盟学院
In his Cooper Union address during the campaign, he laid out clear principles for re-regulating finance, and curbing the excesses that created the mess we are in.
Robert Cooper, Director-General of the Council of the European Union, once told me that the EU has already entered the post-modern era, whereas China is still in its modern stage.
New York's Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, which awards full-tuition scholarships to undergraduates (valued at $34, 600 for the 2009-2010 school year).