the development bank of japan
综合外电报道,有音讯人士近日表示,日本开发银行(The Development Bank of Japan)方案于今年6月份设立一项500亿日元(合6.17亿美圆)的基金,向在3月份地震和海啸灾难中遭重创的汽车零配件供给商提供协助。
尔必达在本月中旬曾发表声明称,公司未能与日本经济产业省、日本政策投资银行(the Development Bank of Japan)和主要债权人达成协定。
the development bank of japan
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
An analysis of Apple's iPhone 3g by the Asian Development Bank Institute said vendors making the phone's parts come from the United States, South Korea, Japan, and Germany.
亚洲发展银行机构针对苹果iPhone3 G所作研究显示销售方使得手机部件来自美国,韩国,日本以及德国。
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plans to nominate Haruhiko Kuroda, the current chief of the Asian Development Bank and seen as a proponent of easier monetary policies, as the next governor of the Bank of Japan.
WSJ: Stocks Falter
"We want to achieve the 2 percent target set by the government and Bank of Japan at the earliest possible date, " Haruhiko Kuroda, currently president of the Asian Development Bank, told lawmakers Monday.
NPR: BOJ Gov Candidate Says Inflation Target Top Goal
He recently nominated Haruhiko Kuroda, who is president of the Asian Development Bank, to become Japan's next central bank governor.
BBC: Japan growth figures lift recovery hopes