伦敦西区特鲁里街皇家剧院(The Drury Lane Theatre)有史以来最大型的作品之一,世界著名音乐剧《第42街》的复兴制作早前举行开幕礼,《第42街》的执行监制兼高宝集团创始人董事长及...
She made her London debut as Isabella in Fatal Marriage at the Drury Lane Theatre in 1782 and was instantly acclaimed the leading tragedienne of the time.
One of two Theatre Royal’s in London (and one of many located throughout the country), it is the one on Drury Lane that is infamous for being haunted by both good and bad spirits.
The marriage proved beneficial to Arne's position in the London theatre as he became house composer at Drury Lane, and wrote music for a number of plays and pantomimes over the next few years.