... Managerial Finance(财务管理) The Economic Environment of Business(企业经济环境) Complex Financial Reporting Issues(复杂的财务报告) ...
At the same time, we must not lose sight of the many challenges facing China-ROK business cooperation in the complex and ever-changing global economic environment.
Service-oriented architecture: Measuring SOA's ROI in the new economic environment provides a download of a PDF from IBM's Institute of Business Value (IBV) which provides SOA ROI calculations.
面向服务的架构:在新经济体环境下度量soa的ROI,这是IBM的业务价值学院发布的可供下载的PD F文件,其中包含了SOA ROI的计算方法。
We have good business and economic environment because of convenient transportation in the economic zone of Yangtse River Delta.