...时统治城邦国家乌尔(Uruk)的一个国王吉尔伽美什(Gilgamesh)的事迹完成的一部史诗《吉尔伽美什史诗》(The Epic of Gilgamesh)是人类第一部史诗,一开始时口头流传,后来在公元前20世纪左右以文字的形式被记录了下来(比较一下,中国夏朝:公元前21世纪到公...
以上来源于: WordNet
Within that group of believers is a large subsection who believe not in a worldwide flood but rather a regional flood as is mentioned in alternative texts such as the Epic of Gilgamesh.
The Epic of Gilgamesh: as with other ancient texts, historians and literary critics cannot pinpoint the exact date when the Epic of Gilgamesh was written, though it was likely around 2000 BCE.
《吉尔伽美什史诗》(The Epic of Gilgamesh):与其他古籍一样,历史学家和文学批评家们无法确定《吉尔伽美什史诗》写成的确切日期,不过很可能是公元前2000年左右。
The "Epic of Gilgamesh", one of the most ancient works of literature, Chronicles the eponymous hero's quest for eternal life.
In The Epic of Gilgamesh we have no motive given for the divine destruction whatsoever. It just seems to be pure capriciousness.
This parallel is The Epic of Gilgamesh I get to point this way now, to the boards, okay?
In The Epic of Gilgamesh they were the ones who got the plant of eternal youth. It's etiological.