她先前曾经翻译过不少韩文作品,像是作家裴秀亚(Bae Suah)的《评论家的书桌》(The Essayist’s Desk)、《首尔市的小山丘》(The Low Hills of Seoul)等作品。最近也成立了一间非营利的出版社,致力于推广亚洲及非洲文学。
The essayist, then, is in his particular fashion an interpreter of life, a critic of life.
因此, 随笔作家以其特殊的方式充当了人生的解说员, 人生的评论家。
There is one thing the essayist cannot DO, though — he cannot indulge himself in deceit or in concealment, for he will be found out in no time.
The essayist is a self-liberated man, sustained by the childish belief that everything he thinks about, everything that happens to him, is of general interest.