浅析建筑业投标报价的发展趋势_建筑科学论文 关键词:建安成本、投标报价、计价依据、发展趋势 [gap=332]Key words: the fabrication cost, for the bid, price basis, the development trend
...宅; 地下车库; 建安成本;停车方式 [gap=576]Keywords: real estate; Residential; Underground garage; The fabrication cost; Parking methods ...
The fabrication cost is managed 造价管理
control the fabrication cost 控制造价
Control the samples fabrication cost 控制样品结构成本
The new visible light cured resin is hopeful to greatly reduce the fabrication cost of customers using vinyl ester resin.
But the pipeline thrust of large diameter is usually very big. The design form of anchors will influence the fabrication cost of the project and safe operation directly.
Only analyze the motive, the means, origin cause of formation of the fabrication cost, could make the measure cracking down on the fake, make it crack down on the fake fundamentally.