... a man of no family 门第低微者. the family of nations 国№大家庭. the family of nations 国№大家庭. ...
The country can hold its head high among the family of nations and quit worrying about other people not liking them.
Without an inspiring spirit and lofty character, it is impossible for a nation to stand proudly in the family of nations.
I'm not talking only about the goals a country scores, I also mean the most important goal of all - being there, part of the family of nations and peoples, celebrating our common humanity.
我谈论的不仅仅是一个国家的进球得分,我还指所有目标中最重要的目标- - -参与其中,作为诸多国家和民族组成的大家庭的一部分,庆祝我们共同人性的实现。