Dr Paul Sobotka, chief medical officer of Ardian, an American company which has developed the equipment, said: "For the first time we can think of a cure for hypertension."
美国从事研发医疗设备的阿迪安(Ardian)公司首席医疗主管保罗•索博特卡(Paul Sobotka)说:“我们第一次知道高血压可以治愈。”
ASC Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Steve Ludlam said the company had eagerly awaited its first submarine docking since the opening of ASC West in 2008. "ASC."
ASC主管兼CEO Steve Ludlam称,公司从2008年开设西asc开始,就在期盼着其第一艘潜艇下水。
The crash probe said the first officer, with only two previous flights as a 767 copilot, was too focused on the weather and failed to warn the pilot early enough to abort.