The first phase would consists of a number of unmanned and manned missions to demonstrate flight of Chinese astronauts in near-Earth orbit and their safe return to earth.
Though not the first to do so, Mr Rifkin argued prophetically that society was entering a new phase—one in which fewer and fewer workers would be needed to produce all the goods and services consumed.
The first phase translates the sequence of characters from byte order (how the characters are stored in memory) to the proper written order (as it would appear on paper).
Mr Jing said the first phase of the trial would last about three years and would involve restricted areas in the city where buses, mid-size vans and cars would be tested.
据王菁透露,该实验的第一阶段将持续三年左右的时间。 实验将在芜湖市内一些指定的区域内进行,他们将对公交车、中型面包车和小汽车进行实验。