...一系列奇幻魔法故事,如《寻宝奇谋》(The Treasure Seekers)(1899年)和《五个孩子和一个怪物》(The Five Children and It)(1902年)。
Preschool was available to children between the ages of three and six; it was obligatory from age five.
三至六岁之间的孩子需接受学前教育。 从五岁开始教育是强制性的。
Three quarters of British men receive fragrance at Christmas and it is British fathers, in particular those with children under five, who are the most likely to own a celebrity scent.
She had five other children, no income, and no education, although she had learned to write her name, and she had signed the papers with it. The child's father was no longer living with the family.