图:一加手机2夺得《Stuff》2015读者选择奖 《Stuff》杂志每年的年度最佳科技产品(The Gadget of the Year)榜单上,都会汇集时下最具特点的顶级科技设备,而读者选择奖得主则是完全由杂志读者自主投票产生。
Since his return in late June, the 54-year-old has been pouring almost all of his attention into a new touch-screen gadget that Apple is developing, said people familiar with the situation.
The latest version of the mobile that combines a phone with a music and video player was chosen by readers of Britain’s Stuff magazine in its annual Gadget of the Year awards.
这项一年一度的读者票选活动由英国《Stuff》杂志开展,集通话、音乐和视频播放器功能为一体的iPhone 最新3G版手机受到青睐。
However, the product received a literal vote of confidence this week when it was voted by readers as Time magazine's Gadget of the Year (an honor nearly as prestigious as the Switchie).