The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy 女朋友妊娠指南
The Ghosts of Girlfriends Past 前女友们的幽灵 ; 旧爱找麻烦 ; 原来你也在这里
Looks for the African girlfriends 找个非洲女朋友
Girlfriends up in the back 姊妹们都在等候着
以上来源于: WordNet
The results are based on 19 items of personal information, including the girlfriends' height, weight, number of previous relationships, and whether she eats onions and plays mahjong.
This is why many of the 'girlfriends' often live in other cities-a business trip, combined with pleasure.
Q. the majority of my ex-girlfriends have had "fallback men" lined up in the latter stages of our failed relationships.