...国影视库,电影,搜索,社区,博客,小组,同城,影社,影片,影人,动漫,视频,相册,大头贴,Flash, 办公室风云 ( The Girls in the Office ),军情五处:代号9 第1季 (Spooks - Code 9 season 1),火线战将 (The Patriot),办公室第5季 (The Office season 5),德州电锯杀人...
Designed to spark the interest of middle and high-school girlsin science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects, the Women in STEM Speakers Bureau was launched by the White House Council on Women and Girls and Office of Science and Technology Policy in September of last year.
Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President and Chair of the White House Council on Women and Girls, will participate in a session of White House Office Hours to answers your questions about the Violence Against Women Act on Twitter.
Arguably, a campaign to end violence against women and girlsin particular is also justified by the findings of an opinion poll commissioned by the Home Officein February this year.