游戏名称:神剑伏魔录 日文名称:闘幻狂 (The Gladiator) 制作厂商:IGS 游戏类型:2D横版过关 发售日期:2003年01月10日 游戏人数:1 - 4 经典即将重生 就是爱网赚 提供
Rage of the Gladiator 角斗士之怒 ; 愤怒的角斗士 ; 角斗士
Murkimus the Gladiator 角斗士莫叽姆斯 ; 搏斗比赛士莫叽姆斯
Meet the Gladiator 遭遇斗暴螳
Entry of the Gladiator 角斗士进场
The Gladiator Bruce Lee 功夫大师李小龙
The Gladiator March 美军角斗士进行曲
Gloves of the Gladiator 角斗士手套
Of The Gladiator 斗技之
以上来源于: WordNet
In the gladiator pits of Rattatak, however, raw strength is sometimes not enough.
It is a long time, you remember the day, since you looked at me at the Luxembourg, near the Gladiator.
Instead of a long dress, you need a mini-skirt or a pair of cuffed shorts to match with the gladiator shoes.