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They allow us to better our life, see the good things in life and just take each day with a smile.
If depression has you noticing only the negative, make an effort to notice the good things in life.
It was the supreme beings who divided up the good things in life and handed them out to all of the people.
The central bad thing about the fact that I'm going to die is the fact that because I'll be dead I'll be deprived of the good things in life.
According to the deprivaton account, death is bad, when it's bad, because of the fact that it deprives us of the good things in life, insofar as we would have continued to get good things in life.
Against that, I suppose, you've got pessimists-- pessimists who say, " "No, no. Although life perhaps has some good things, " the overall grand balance " is negative for everybody in every circumstance.