... The High Ferris Wheel 高高摩天轮 The Golden Ferris Wheel 金色摩天轮 Ride The Ferris Wheel 坐摩天轮 ...
The 110 meter diameter ferris wheel will lift people 120 meters up into the air, as high as one 35-storey building, and promise a grand view of around 40 square kilometers over the surrounding city.
A 150-foot-high Ferris wheel from 1920 still creaks in the sky, children squeal on dizzying rides, and lurid, hand-painted signs advertise sideshows of snake-charmers and fire-eaters.
150英尺高的摩天轮从1920年起至今仍耸立空中,吱吱作响; 孩童们在晕眩刺激的机动过山车上发出尖叫;