The highest good was realized only by means soul immortality and being of god.
康德认为要解决德性与幸福的二律背反,只能通过至善的概念来回答。 而要实现至善,就必须悬设灵魂不休和上帝存在。
参考来源 - 康德伦理学浅析The existence of God, constitutes a priori faith of practical reason to assure the unification between virtues and physical happiness, comes from the moral need spontaneously, but the precondition of the highest good is qualification deserved.
参考来源 - 康德哲学—神学中的“恶”与“苦难”问题It is not a simple one but an amended notion. I will prove that the concept of Aristotle's happiness is a self-limited final end, which guides and regulates people's practices and actions as the highest good.
参考来源 - 论亚里士多德的两种幸福观·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Why is the peace the highest good anyway?
And to creatively, brilliantly, and honorably serve the highest good of all.
I'm going to say that it's all happening for the highest good of all concerned.
Why is the peace the highest good anyway?
Ads in newspapers, like this one in Charleston, would read, "Negroes wanted. I am paying the highest cash prices for young and likely Negroes, those having good front teeth and being otherwise sound."
And so the pagan picture of an amoral universe of just competing powers, good and evil, Kaufman says, is transformed into a picture of a moral cosmos. The highest law is the will of God and that imposes a morality upon the structure of the universe.