...ry of Philosophy(哲学史)课程通知 中国经济与管理研究院将于2008年3月16日开始开设The History of Philosophy(哲学史)公开课程,由Robert Blohm博士讲授,请中国经济与管理研究院数理经济与数理金融实验班、2006级硕士研究生、2007级硕士研究生、博...
The Philosophy Of History 历史哲学 ; 历史哲学导论
The History of Western Philosophy 西方哲学史 ; 英文原版书
The history of Chinese philosophy 中国哲学史 ; 中国哲学思想史
The History of European Philosophy 欧洲哲学史
The history of Indian philosophy 印度哲学史
The History of Russian Philosophy 俄国哲学史
the western philosophy of history 后现代历史哲学
Reality Problem is always concerned and discussed in the history of philosophy of science.
That is only studying philosophers. At best it's studying the history of philosophy, not philosophy itself.
In it, Kant used his ideas to experience of beauty and art, to biological theory, to the history of philosophy.
But not for the sake of hashing through the history of philosophy not for the sake of analyzing philosophical concepts the way analytical philosopher would, but rather,with that kind of background preparation, seeing things that others might not.
Plato is not only one of the greatest philosophers in history, he wrote his philosophy in the form of dialogues.
So the courses I took - -actually I took some English history obviously - I took no American history which would be the field I did in the PHD, but I took a lot of courses in philosophy, in literature.