...括911恐怖攻击及卡崔娜 飓风等灾害抢救及紧急通讯失败的教训,美 国修订了2002年颁布的国土安全法(The Homeland Security Act),并特别在国土安 全部(DHS)内增设了紧急通讯局(Office of Emergency Communications,OEC)。
the Homeland Security Act of 年国土安全法
After the passage of the Homeland Security Act, Section 4107 of tile 5, U. S. Code was amended.
The Homeland Security open source information Enhancement Act, which would require DHS to establish a program for collecting, analyzing and disseminating open-source information and intelligence.
Creating a new department of homeland security will make America stronger and safer. It is time for the Senate to act.