...脉是 种现象综合起来考察所形成的研 北流的阿姆河(the Oxus River)和 究结果,在此我必须提到两种可 南流的印度河(the Indus)之间的 能的解释:杜齐(Tucci)曾基于丰 分水岭。
the Indus Valley 印度河流域
The Indus Entrepreneurs 印度企业家协会 ; 印度企业家 ; 协会
mouths of the indus 印度河口
The Indus Entrepreneur logo 印度斯企业家
the Indus River 印度河
The Indus Civilization 印度河文明
Empires of the Indus 帝国的梧桐
Street next to the Indus 街道旁边的梧桐
The floods in Swat and the Indus valley are, like the yellow fever mosquitoes of the Netherlands, an indication that things could get worse.
Arid lands, surprisingly, contain some of the world's largest river systems, such as the Murray-Darling in Australia, the Rio Grande in North America, the Indus in Asia, and the Nile in Africa.
In the case of the Indus the two sides' representatives get along well.
After defeating the Persians again, he pushed his army all the way to the Indus River in India, to the western part of what's now India, and what was then called India also by Greeks.