the international bar association
...成员加入了多个组织,包括塞浦路斯律师协会(the Cyprus Bar Association)、国际律师协会(the International Bar Association)、塞浦路斯工商业联合会(the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry)、塞浦路斯仲裁协会(the Cyprus Arbitration Associat...
the international bar association
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Lord Abernethy is an active member of the International Bar Association.
BBC: The men in robes
The council of the International Bar Association, alarmed by the accountants' plans, last year called on world regulators to consider preventing such firms from offering other services to companies whose books they audit.
ECONOMIST: Accountants and lawyers