the international exchange center
...听力 Listening Comprehension 胡海鹏 SA404 第 9 节 晚 上 6:30—— 8:05 国际交流中心(The International Exchange Center) 2008-2-20 较捣硕窃蜕榴化搔物剩玖单膏贴杭纂驳委 甫卵传阉赛舅缺侩友誉建雹 妮皇临熄课意经愿拟炼脊绩 源钟借鞋彼巴衅阿泛箔监...
the international exchange center
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The Chinese as a Foreign Language teaching and Research Center of the College of International Exchange has a faculty with high professional quality and rich teaching experience.
Beanstalk International School (BIS) was first established in 1993 with the sponsorship of the International Youth Exchange Center.
On the morning of January 25, 2015, an exchange meeting was held in Nanjing Tech University Pujiang Institute with Nanjing International Youth Cultural Center.
"Asia is just as it is here, " Al Ansari says from his office at the Dubai International Financial Center, home to the city's ever ripening stock exchange.
FORBES: The New Silk Road
Shanghai plans to be an international finance center by 2020, and creating a board on the Shanghai Stock Exchange where foreign companies can list their shares is seen as an essential component.
FORBES: Shanghai's International Board
Equinix says the Marketplace makes it possible for any company with a presence in any Equinix International Business Exchange (IBX) data center to quickly find and directly connect to a global value-chain of more than 4, 000 potential partners, customers and suppliers of digital services.
FORBES: New Equinix Marketplace Can Link Financial Firms and Digital News