the intrinsic value of gold 黄金的本身价值
The Intrinsic Value of Nature 自然的内在价值
the intrinsic value based method 内在价值法
the principle of intrinsic value 内在价值原则
Some social scientists have raised doubts about the intrinsic value of certain works of art.
This is the intrinsic value of nature.
One is the intrinsic value of height; that is, women simply like tall men, while unable to say why.
Because if we recognize that there are things in the world which have intrinsic value and importance and what we call beauty.
It might also be hard to mesh a notion such as the purported intrinsic value of people.
Still, in trying to get clear about the nature of wellbeing, the crucial thing to do is to focus not on the question about instrumental value, but rather to focus on the question of intrinsic value.