其他值得一去的过山车还有:美国加州六旗游乐园“玩笑者”(The Joker),世界第一高的美国新泽西州六旗游乐园金达卡过山车,拥有最大回环的美国加利福尼亚州六旗游乐园Full Throttle过山车。
The Joker Is Wild 啼笑泪痕 ; 艺海奇人
Batman Revenge of the Joker 蝙蝠侠
The Joker Blues Band 蓝调音乐
William the Joker 愚人节装扮
Age Of The Joker 唱片名
The Joker Gorokhov 爱开玩笑的戈罗霍夫
以上来源于: WordNet
Batman may win every hand, but equity investors should still fear the Joker.
That would be the Joker, of course, a demonic creation and the three-ring circus of one wholly inhabited by Heath Ledger.
The Joker, who doesn't care for money and wants only the power to sow chaos, intimidates everyone, including the gangsters.