... Upton Sinclair The Jungle 森林王子 By Upton Sinclair 辛克莱 The Jungle-Upton Sinclair 书籍 ...
Then, in 1906, Upton Sinclair published his socialist novel, the JUNGLE, aimed, as he later said, at people's hearts but hitting their stomachs instead.
The fire had come only five years after Upton Sinclair published his book The Jungle, which detailed the plight of the workers at a meat packer's plant.
仅仅在火灾发生前五年,厄普顿·辛克莱(Upton Sinclair)发行了《危险地带》一书。 书中曾经详细描述了肉类加工厂工人的困境。
Just as those problems, exposed by Upton Sinclair in "The Jungle", led to an overhaul of food regulation in America, so last year's contamination scare led to a crackdown in China.
Upton Sinclair在The Jungle一书中也揭露了类似的问题,引发了美国的食品管理大检查,去年的食品污染事件也导致了中国的打击此类行为的行动。