亚军进榜的《染血王国》(The Kingdom),只管即便星期五问世当日攫金与状元《角逐策画》不相伯仲的600万$,但还是在对手周六飙升约65%的增进曲线眼前败下阵来,最终只...
1994年推出的《医院风云》(The Kingdom),风格鬼谲而具实验性,1996年,《破浪而出》在戛纳影展上获得了最高荣耀金棕榈奖,其才华获得了国际间的认同。
...TMG也没有停止戏剧演出的工作,再度接受影坛的邀约,参加由杰米福克斯(Jamie Foxx)领衔主演的电影「反恐战场(The Kingdom),虽然不是主要角色,却也有相当吃重的演出。当然,他没有忘记,歌唱才是他的本业。
The Kingdom and the Beauty 江山美人 ; 年 ; 都市风流皇山河佳丽
The Kingdom of Belgium 比利时王国 ; 比利时共和国 ; 比利时 ; 比特易来自比利时王国
The Kingdom of the Netherlands 荷兰王国 ; 尼德兰王国
The Kingdom of Tonga 汤加王国 ; 加王国 ; 汤加 ; 译汤加
The Kingdom of Bahrain 巴林王国 ; 巴林
The Kingdom of Norway 挪威王国 ; 挪威 ; 迷人的万岛之国挪威
the Kingdom of Nepal 尼泊尔王国 ; 尼泊尔 ; 国名尼泊尔王国
以上来源于: WordNet
He taught his followers that they could all be members of the kingdom of God.
The kingdom of happiness is in your thought and feeling.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Every three weeks, a truck drives to a rural community in the Kingdom of Swaziland.
VOA: special.2009.05.04
Peter wields the keys of the kingdom of heaven and can open and shut the doors of personal salvation, just as he can open and shut the doors of the church.
She can't get in to heaven anyway. So she says: "Dear Mary: I am a bastard and a bastard shall not enter the kingdom of heaven as we all know. But I have this personality that makes boys follow me.