3 一、 背景 荷兰对外的名称共有三个: 第一种国名为「尼德兰王国(The Kingdom of Netherlands),为对外的正 式的名称,「Nether荷兰语的意思是低地,尼德兰王国就是低地国的意思;目 前在南美洲的北部及印度洋仍有部分岛屿...
概况: 中文名称: 荷兰王国 英文名称: The Kingdom of Netherlands 简称: 荷兰 所属洲: 欧洲 首都: 阿姆斯特丹 主要城市: 鹿特丹、海牙、乌德勒支等 国庆日: 4 月30 日 国歌: 《威廉颂》 国家代码: NLD 官方语
After briefly being incorporated in the First French Empire under Napoleon, the Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed in 1815, consisting of the present day Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
In the U.S., 16 percent of married women say they use the pill. That compares to 29 percent in the United Kingdom and more than 40 percent in the Netherlands and France.
"Vision of Love" reached the top ten in Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland and the Netherlands. It went to number 1 in Canada and New Zealand.