唯一真理的、永恒的东西就是造物主的法则和定律(the law of the Creator),也就是祂在最初就希望的宇宙法则和定律(the Universal Law)。祂的法则(His Law)是任何人都绝对改变不了的。
The natural law is a participation in God's wisdom and goodness by man formed in the image of his Creator.
There are some conflict needs to restriction between technology protection to copyright and copyright law to coordinate the interest of creator, propagator , user and the society public .
To the contrary, the more our lives are entangled with contradictory opinions about what is right and what is wrong, the more we need the clear and unambiguous guidance of our Creator and Law-Giver.
Final point then is...and we're not going to talk about salvation right now...but we're going to talk about the fact that the only supreme law is the will of God, because God is a creator God rather than a created God. He's imposed order, an order upon the cosmos.