...准则,后进先出法,计划成本法 [gap=1099]Key words: inventory accounting methods, the newest accounting stanrds, the LIFO, stanrd costing ...
The difference between the current replacement cost of a company's inventory and the LIFO cost shown in the accounting records.
The LIFO method will cause the reporting of relatively large gross profit as compared with FIFO, which will hold reported gross profit to minimum.
In this case the row returned to RPG is dependent on which of the duplicate key handling DDS keywords (LIFO (default), FIFO or LCFO) were used when creating the keyed logical file.
在这种情况下,返回R PG的行取决于创建键逻辑文件时使用的是哪个用于处理DDS关键字的重复键(LIFO(默认值)、FIFO或LCFO)。