the livelihood of the poor
... (2) of属格适用于某些名词化的表示人的形容词。如: the livelihood of the poor 穷人的生计 the struggle of the oppressed 被压迫人民的斗争 ...
the livelihood of the poor
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The study based on an area in Mexico is cited to show that cattle raising has been a major means of livelihood for the poor.
For years, BRAC has pioneered the advancing of small loans to the "unbankable poor", helping thousands of women discover their entrepreneurial spirit and find a livelihood.
It estimates the forest’s contribution to the livelihood of poor forest-dwellers, of whom there are at least 10m in Brazil alone, at between $500m and $1 billion a year.
Certainly, without an agreed agenda for further talks there will be little progress in opening the markets of industrialised countries to exports from developing countries in the immediate future, or ending the subsidised dumping of northern agricultural surpluses on poor countries, destroying the livelihood of local farmers.
Four decades after its establishment, SERVOL continues to implement a number of community-based development and educational projects primarily because the socio-economic problems that led to its formation, such as poverty, sharp socio-economic inequalities, youth criminality or gang violence and drug abuse as well as the disintegration of family structures, high illiteracy rates among and lack of livelihood and educational opportunities for the poor majority, remain prevalent in the country today.
UNESCO: Adolescent Development Programme
Higher prices, if sustained, can help poor households in the countryside, many of whom depend on agriculture for their livelihood.
ECONOMIST: Food and trade: The new Corn Laws | The