...er)、《异情谋杀》(Old Flames)、《历史人物》(The History Man)、《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist)、《失落的部族》(The Lost Tribe)、《一个女恶魔的生活与爱情》(Life and Loves of a She Devil)、《名利场》(Vanity Fair) 以及林达·勒普兰特(Lynda La Plante) ...
Legend of the Lost Tribe 驯鹿总动员
Visit to the Lost Tribe 寻访消失的部落
Lost Boys The Tribe 捉鬼小精灵
Lost Tribe of the Sith 西斯的失落部落 ; 失落的西斯部落
Lost Boys 2 The Tribe 捉鬼小灵精
以上来源于: WordNet
She herself was almost lost to the tribe for a while, married to a Latino at 17, having two daughters early, living a middle-class Californian life.
If no scouts return they are to assume that the tribe has been lost and strike out upon their own as a new clan.
The grand mediocrity of today--everyone being the same in survival and number of off-spring--means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in upper-middle-class India compared to the tribe.