... pour Juan Gris (Juan Gris Cockatoo Series), 创作于1959–60, 1966 胡安·格里斯,《咖啡馆里的男子》(The Man at the Café, 1914), 美国大都会艺术博物馆收藏 约瑟夫·柯奈尔,《无题》 Untitled (Le Soir), 1953–54.
But most active modern angels look like ordinary men and women: the man sitting in the cafe, the woman crossing the street, the teenager next in line at the bus stop.
Sitting at a cafe, the little old man says, "Remember the first time I met you over 50 years ago?"
A police spokesman said: 'at no point did the officer ask the cafe owner to remove any materials or arrest the man and we took a commonsense and objective approach in dealing with the complaint.