... for a moment 片刻 (之间) ,一会儿,瞬息,刹那 the man of the moment 时下的红人 [重要人物] in a critical moment 在危急关头 ...
He's the man of the moment, isn't he?
It was a priceless moment, and I later regretted not snapping a few photos of the cantankerous old man when I had the chance, fan and all.
CCTV cameras recorded the moment of the Marriott blast; grainy images show a man pulling a bag on wheels across the lobby before the flash of the explosion.
There are lots of people who have pointed out to us that before a certain period, there was no such thing as man, and in a variety of quite real senses, after a certain moment in the history of culture, there is also no such thing as man.