The Merry-Go-Round 旋转木马 ; 走马灯 ; 表演者 ; 欢喜冤家
Relive the Merry-Go -Round 追忆旋转木马
On the merry-go-round 玩旋转木马的游戏
The Blown On A Merry-Go-Round 小丑与旋转木马
He was tired of the merry-go-round of romance and longed to settle down.
This time Mercury will give you license to step off the merry-go-round of life, have fun, and see friends.
“If these I.P.O.’s continue to work, they’ll play them until the merry-go-round stops,” said Scott Sweet, senior managing partner of the research firm IPO Boutique.
“只要类似的公司新上市(IPO),就会有人追捧,直到哪天旋转木马停下来。” 名为IPO Boutique的证券研究公司的一位高级董事合伙人说。