As university students who can mostly reflect the spirit of the age, the basic contents of their humanistic spirit are: the independent personality, the moral idea, the life attitude, the social care and the ultimate concern.
the moral idea of thrift 节约的道德理念
He seems hideous, and so he is, in the presence of the moral idea of the nineteenth.
In social terms the modern era contradicted the moral idea to which Americans were attached.
The idea works kind of like a moral meter and when it gets overfilled an individual commits some immoral ACTS as a way of keeping their internal tank at a healthy level.
So he stays with the idea that our de facto actual empirical desires are the only basis for moral judgment.
At the same time, it's interesting that Deuteronomy seems to be aware of some of the dangers in this idea, the danger of a superiority complex, a moral danger involved in the notion of election.
Here are a few laws that express the idea that the experience of slavery and liberation should be the wellspring for moral action. It should be the impetus for moral action. Exodus 22:20: "You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt."