the national lottery commission
这个项目由国家彩票委员会(the National Lottery Commission)管理,Camelot集团负责运营,并指定各地艺术委员会the Arts Council of England(现在改称Arts Council England)、the Scottish...
the national lottery commission
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
It has also emerged that government solicitors have been sacked by the National Lottery Commission after being blamed for causing the chaos.
BBC: Lottery shutdown warning
The National Lottery Commission will give its final decision in November.
BBC: Lottery shutdown warning
The National Lottery Commission rejected both Camelot's and the People's Lottery's bids to run the lottery in August saying there were problems with each package of proposals.
BBC: Lottery shutdown warning