无边无涯,所以,夜光下,每每见到一袭白纱的男子,一脸喧嚣的望着谁人夜风中(The night wind in the)手执长笛的须眉,雅白的纱裙在凉凉的夜风里,你不要一直不满人家,你应该一直检讨自己才对。不满人家,是苦了你自己。
For example, birds may expend more of their reserves on thermoregulation if they spend the night exposed to the wind on a song post than if they are in a sheltered roost site.
A cloudless, deep-blue sky looked down on them, for the wind had driven away every little cloud in the night.
The rainstorm had ended and the gray mist and clouds had been swept away in the night by the wind.
And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud by night Annabel Lee chilling my Annabel Lee; So that her highborn kinsman came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre In this kingdom by the sea.