...年少聪慧,13岁入伊顿(Eton)公学,15岁发表首篇粒子物理方面的学术论文,到17岁,他的科学论文发到了《核物理》(The Nuclear Physics)杂志上在获患上牛津大学的奖学金并在牛津进修一年然后,即到了美国阿格纳国家测试室(Argonne National Laboratory)的理论高能物理...
On May 25, fusion power research startup Lawrenceville Plasma Physics announced that it had signed a contract for research collaboration in nuclear fusion with the Plasma Physics Research Center of I.
Fabio Benatti and Roberto Floreanini, of the National Institute of NuclearPhysics in Trieste, Italy, propose using atom interferometers to search for granularity.