... 危情十日/苦难/米赛丽/战栗游戏(台)/危情十日(港) Misery 淡季 The Off Season 新天魔666/凶兆/天魔2006 The Omen ...
Now is the off-season 现在是淡季
The off-season 旅游淡季
in the off-season 在淡季时
Off The Hook Season 好友二人组
Fresh Off the Boat Season 初来乍到第三季
以上来源于: WordNet
It is possible to holiday at some of the more expensive resorts if you go in the off season.
Purchasethem in the off season when you'll be able to get genuine pairs at discountprices.
It was the off season when I visited and the hotel was pretty empty, so Mr. Eiramo gave us access to a cabin to shower and dress.