... 十月, October 十月节 The Oktoberfest ; Octoberfest ; Harvest Festivais in October ; October Festival 十月奏鸣曲 October Sonata ...
The Munich Oktoberfest 慕尼黑啤酒节 ; 啤酒节
The e Munich Oktoberfest 慕尼黑啤酒节
Oktoberfest - The Official Game 啤酒节
Oktoberfest By The Bay 湾区啤酒节
The Oktoberfest is also a time when Munich, one of the wealthiest and trendiest cities in Germany, suddenly throws fashion to the wind.
Despite the city's traditional image, many residents never set foot inside a beer hall or go anywhere near Oktoberfest, which is looked down on by some as a festival only for foreign tourists.