... the+形容词(分词形容词)表示一类人或一类事物,后接谓语动词复数。 the oppressed (被压迫的人们) oneeyed donkey (一只眼的驴) ...
前者希望号召所有第三世界国家之受压迫者 (the oppressed) 摆脱对东西方傲慢之撒旦强权 (Satanic powers) 的依赖,共同抵抗他们的压迫及宰制。
... 受压迫者 Under Dog ; the oppressed 受压迫的 downtrodden ; The oppressed 受压迫者剧场 Theatre of the Oppressed ...
Pedagogy of the Oppressed 被压迫者教育学 ; 被压迫者的教育学 ; 受压迫教育学
The oppressed class 被压迫阶级
right the oppressed 公正对待受压迫者
Pedaogy of the Oppressed 被压迫者教育学
theater of the oppressed 受压迫者剧场
advocate for the oppressed 替被压迫者辩护的人
lead the oppressed 领导群众
the oppressed nations 被压迫民族国家
Relieve The Oppressed 解救受欺压
以上来源于: WordNet
He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people of South Africa.
Marshall avoided the oppressed and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been typical of the protest novels of the early twentieth century.
He received acclaim as a champion of the oppressed.
It called to the poor and oppressed people of the world.
VOA: special.2010.05.06
A level of humility, and hyper sensitivity to the suffering of poor people, the oppressed people and working people.
even as Israelis had the kind of security necessary the orphan and the widow, the oppressed, the fatherless, those whose humanity has been rendered invisible.