我传送你一份 » I send you a 原来是这个意思 » The original meaning of this 现在,我很疑惑和困惑。工作不知道该怎样进行下去,生活也一团乱麻, » Now, I am very puzzled and puzzled.
What is the original meaning of this word?
From early oracle bones, we can see two people standing close together, facing towards the left ( ), one person following the other. So "follow" is the original meaning of this character.
古字的“从”,可是看到一个人正跟着另一个人,两人紧紧地靠在一起( ),不难想到有“跟从”的含义。
This is called "snapshot semantics", meaning each update operation is logically applied to a separate snapshot of the original document.
这称为 “快照语义”,这意味着每个更新操作从逻辑上说应用于原文档的单独快照。
Most editors of Milton tell us that the word prevent in this line retains its original Latin meaning as you can see on your handout.